Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Hurray!! 2nd class under our belt!!

Here are the weekly key words for your reference:

Dui4 bu4 qi3 (对不起!) I am sorry!
Mei2 guan1xi(没关系!)It is all right!

Xie4xie (谢谢!)Thank you!
Bu2xie4 (不谢!)Don't mention it!


Mao1 (猫)cat
Gou3 (狗)dog
Shu3 niu2 hu3 tu4 (鼠,牛,虎,兔)rat/cow/tiger/rabbit

Don't forget to count numbers whenever is possible.

Here is the Hello-good morning-good night song:

Friend song:

If you would like to participate in the booster class at my house, it will be tomorrow (Thursday, September 20th) from 3 to 5 in the afternoon. It is free of charge, but do bring your questions, ideas, and anything that you would like to share. Please respond to this posting if you and your little one are coming (required). I will then send you my address privately. You may also connect with me via either Line or Wechat (See my id on the note-card!)

That is all, folks! Have a great week.

杜老师 (Du4 lao3shi1)


  1. Ni hao! Will you be offering the booster class tomorrow (thursday sept 27th) afternoon? If so, Gunnar and I would love to come! Please let us know. Thanks! Meredith

    1. Yes! Can you see my email response? If not, email me at for my address.

      See you tomorrow!
